General Personality: Soft spoken, gentle hearted, and somewhat emotionally stunted. Patient and easygoing, but loyal to a fault. Blunt.
Body Type: Soft, muscular but not defined. Like a storybook knight.
Key Features: Pale yellow feathers on their cheeks. Pale, almost marble colored skin.
Eye Color: Golden, brimming with light.
Facial Hair: None.
Hair Color: White with pale yellow highlights
Aethersight Description: A sickly cream yellow absolutely suffused with Light. Something is moving around inside of them, even brighter than what their flesh barely holds back.
Soul Color: Royal blue.
Name: Valentine Angelo
Alias(es): Ser Valentine of the The Angelo Regiment, Valentine Hathaway, Forgiven Charity, Valentine de Angelo
Age: 32 + 2000
Birthday: 4U-08-???? 5AE
Gender: Nonbinary. Man. Woman. Person. Bird.
Sexuality: Bisexual, demiromantic
Race: Hyur Midlander
Abilities: Aetheric vampirism. Minor mimicry. Minor shapeshifting. Light-based magicks.
Main Class/Job(s): Paladin
Other Class/Job(s): Radiant Knight
Status: Somewhere between life and death.
[Put Character’s Hobby/Aesthetic Here]
Content Warning: Ritual torture
Relationship Status: Open, polyamorous, confused.
Faction(s): Oschon’s Journey. The Angelo Regiment (former).
Occupation: Adventurer. Wanderer.
Hometown: Frontiera (near modern day Mor Dhona)
Residence: Oschon’s Journey airship.
Patron Deity: Nophica