General Personality:
[Put Image Of Character’s Weapon Here]
Body Type:
Key Features:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Facial Hair:
Aethersight Description: Pastel green, with the primary aspect of whatever crystal is slotted into their chest at that moment.
Soul Color: Olive green.
Name: Zepyhranthes Durandal
Alias(es): Zephyranthes aan Durandal, Green Nexus, 136-09-ZD
Age: 27
Birthday: 6A-06-1557 6AE
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Bisexual, unless your name is Damocles
Race: Pureblooded Garlean
Abilities: Elemental aetheric manipulation (one at a time), warmachina pilot, neural interface port in the back of their neck.
Main Class/Job(s): Gunbreaker
Other Class/Job(s): Whatever they cobble together.
[Put Character’s Hobby/Aesthetic Here]
Content Warning:
Relationship Status:
Faction(s): Oschon’s Journey. The Kratos Institute (former). ****XIVth Imperial Legion (former). XIIth Imperial Legion (former). IVth Imperial Legion (former).
Hometown: Garlemald
Residence: Oschon’s Journey airship.
Patron Deity: None